The UK Action Plan for red squirrels aims to :
- Protect red squirrels by keeping reds and greys apart and by reducing grey numbers.
- Assist the reds in areas where red squirrel population numbers have stabilised or are increasing.
- Establish new red colonies across the UK where feasible.
- Fund research on how to secure the red squirrel’s long-term future.
- Raise awareness of the plight of reds in the UK.
There are a number of strategies in play to help achieve these aims including :
- Grey squirrel control through trapping & shooting (which also reduces the substantial bark stripping damage done by grey squirrels each year).
- Camera monitoring and supplementary feeding of red squirrel populations.
- Controlled buffer zones around areas where red squirrels are present.
- Encouragement of natural predation (e.g. re-introduction of the pine marten).
- Designing and managing forests via tree species composition and age structure to favour red squirrels rather than greys.
- Capture and translocation under licence of red squirrels from existing red strongholds to re-populate previously occupied prime habitat that is free from greys.
- Captive breeding and release of reds as part of a reinforcement or re-introduction project.
In the longer term there are two scientific advancements which are currently under development although both these projects still remain some way off :
- An immunocontraceptive that can be taken orally by grey squirrels using bait delivered through a suitable species-specific feeder. The Animal & Plant Health Agency who are running this project believe it could reduce grey numbers by as much as 90%.
- Gene therapy / DNA editing to breed infertility into female grey squirrels to reduce their numbers.

Red vs Grey Squirrel Comparison

Red Squirrel
- Fur usually russet-brown
- Prominent ear tufts in winter
- Tail all one colour or shades of Red-Brown
- Narrower head
- Smaller - 18-24 cm (36-42 cm including tail)
- Much lighter - up to 360 grams

Grey Squirrel
- Fur usually Grey-Brown
- No ear tufts in
- Tail fringed with White
- Broader head
- Bigger - 24-28 cm (46-50 cm including tail)
- Much heavier- up to 720 grams
Contact Us
Don’t hesitate to ask us something. Email us directly caldewsquirrels@gmail.com or call us at 07542 191 865